Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Reading Bags

Reading Book Bags
Starting Monday, September 25, your child will begin bringing home a book to read each night that she or he has chosen from their book box. I check in with everyone quickly to see their choices. Usually, students choose books they can read, knowing most of the words.

We keep a Parent Communication Sheet in the reading bag, so that if you can communicate with me to share your observations and comments. Please don’t feel the need to comment daily, just now and then, or as needed.

The reading book bags are blue. Books should come home each night and be returned the next day.

Thank you for helping us build joy and stamina around reading books!

First Grade Literacy Night
Wednesday, October 4,
6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Captain Library
First Grade is a time when we guide children to develop a love for reading. Captain's first grade students and parents are invited to a special night about reading at home with your child - Literacy Night. We will discuss just-right books, reading strategies, and introduce the take-home book bags. You might even see some super reading heroes in action!

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Dear All, I have had a great year with my students. Your children were curious and passionate about learning. They filled my bucket! I wa...