School Day 13: Thursday, August 31, 2017
We have had a terrific beginning of the year. We have been spending time establishing our norms and first grade routines. The children are learning how important it is to transition quietly and to speak in a low tone of voice to help create a calm learning environment with our open classrooms. We are trying to fill each others buckets with kindness. All of the children are doing a great job.
We are starting to practice our routines for Reading Workshop in the
morning. Our morning consists of:
A. Opening: Attendance, lunch count, kids "shopping" for new books to read
B. Morning Meeting/Calendar
C. Reading Workshop
1. Reading mini-lesson
2. *Independent reading- teacher is conferring with students or pulling a reading group
3. Partner reading- teacher is conferring
4. Share out our good work and story
5. Handwriting
6. Work-work (spelling patterns)
*We have been building our stamina for independent reading. Just like running a marathon, the children have been practicing so they can build up their stamina. Our goal for the Fall is to read for 20 minutes quietly each day in first grade while the teacher confers with students. By spring the goal is 45 minutes of independent reading.*
Word Work/Spelling- Children learn the spelling patterns in first grade to better help them understand how words work and apply this knowledge to their writing. We are beginning our work with tricky consonant sounds like d versus b. We read poems, sing songs and sort picture cards to help train the ear to hear the sound. Next we will learn the difference between hard c and s.
Please have your child practice reading and spelling correctly sight words:
the, is, was, and, they
Handwriting- Legible handwriting is our goal in first grade. We will practice handwriting everyday the first quarter. Please, encourage your child to use correct letter formations and good handwriting on homework, too!
Math: Math in Focus is the curriculum in all elementary schools in Clayton.
We started Chapter 2: Number Bonds up to 10 this week. Number bonds is a way for students to visualize numbers and decompose (break apart) and compose (make) numbers.
Being able to visualize numbers is the key, and giving the students a graphic like the number bound is one way to help them do this.
Another way for students to think about numbers is to play “Bears in a Cave” If I have 5 bears (cubes or beans) and 2 are outside the cup (cave) how many went in to the cup/cave? (3)
Did you know that all children have access to Think Central the Math in Focus website?
This website has lots of resources for you or your child to help with math.
Just login using your child’s name:
firstnamelastname and the password: cgmcgm11.
Social Studies: We will finish our first unit How Do We Get Along this week. So far we learned how important it is to follow rules, be kind and solve problems peacefully.
We will talk about "filling some one's bucket" which means being kind to someone. If we forget, then we talk about how the other person feels- usually bad or sad. Plus, we talk about how we feel when we are not nice- usually bad or sad. Developing empathy in our students allows them to understand how the other person is feeling.
Books about Bucket Filling |
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