Thursday, September 14, 2017

Adding on Games

Students are playing games to help them learn addition facts. We roll two dice and add the numbers together. The students are practicing saying the bigger number and then counting up. For example the students rolls a six(6) and three(3). He/she would say 6 then say 7, 8, 9.  The answer is 9. I have them do this so they can see/hear that 6 and 3 more are 9.
We played Race to 20 by rolling and adding two dice. Learning to take turns and deciding who goes first is a skill many students are still working on in first grade.
Next, we played on a Candy Land game board.  The students rolled two dice and moved their plastic dinosaur that many spots. Counting on from a spot is still hard for many students as they want to count the spot they are on before they move forward. We talked about how moving a piece forward is like walking forward.   For example, if my piece is already on 7 and my dice shows 6 + 3 = 9 then I move my piece forward starting at number 8. I don't count the number my piece is already on.

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Dear All, I have had a great year with my students. Your children were curious and passionate about learning. They filled my bucket! I wa...